Offering Intense Black Tea, Delicate Black Tea, and unique Handmade Black Tea, all grown in Georgia, this tea shop is a must-visit.
“It’s a family tradition. Every village here has its own tea garden,” says tea grower Nana Kirmelashvili. "In the past, people spent their whole life in the tea business and then the USSR collapsed [and] suddenly there was nothing left. It was a big disappointment. For us Georgians, it was horrible.”
Kirmelashvili owns the Nagomari Tea House in Tbilisi and a tea plantation on the highway from Kutaisi to Batumi. A child of communism, she says tea pickers today receive 2.20 GEL (US$0.94) per kilo, up from one GEL (US$0.43) two years ago. Workers pick 10–12 kilos of leaves per day, earning the equivalent of $11.
The Nagomari Tea House in Tbilisi sells 50g boxes of loose black tea for 7.50 GEL (about $3.40) and limited edition green tea.
Do your bit to help revive the Georgian tea industry!
9 Bakhtrioni Str., Tbilisi
(+955) 599 21 53 96