“The Last Nomads” is a project by Vargha Bahagir, which started in 2014. The exhibited photos combine two parts of the project: Bajau Laut and Raute.

"Being an emigrant myself, having also spent years on the road, I have always found myself affected and attracted to the subject of human moving and relocation. Constantly reflecting on the subject, I keep asking myself why humans migrate, and what social, cultural, religious, or economic motives underlie the phenomenon.

"For the modern world, awareness of how others live miles and oceans away from them is a cultural and educational necessity. This can better familiarize us with our ancient roots. In this way, photography is an excellent medium." - Vargha Bahagir

Vargha Bahagir was born in Iran in 1979, and has been based in Finland since 2000. As a documentary photographer, Vargha’s works are commonly focused on indigenous people and ethnic minorities.

The event is organized in the framework of the long-term project of The State Silk Museum - "Transcontinental Network Far and Near."

State Silk Museum

6 Tsabadze Str.

March 15-31