The Tbilisi Circus is housed in a beautiful Soviet neoclassical building overlooking Heroes’ Square in the center of the city. The building, built in 1939, has a classic big-top look with its circular rotunda shape painted a whimsical light pink. Although the plaster is chipping inside and out, and the old wooden doors have cracks in them, on performance days the steps are crowded with families. The kids run screaming and laughing, getting their faces painted and blowing bubbles. Weary parents crack a smile once the show begins, as acrobats twirl on high hoops and ropes. Silly clowns break up the acts with a routine that includes lots of audience involvement.

Tbilisi is one of the circuses in the world that still uses live animals, including lions, elephants, cheetahs, camels, and horses depending on what traveling troupes are performing. If you do not want to support the practice, it is still a beautiful building to see! Keep an eye out for other events held in the space.

During the performance season, tickets can be found at www.biletebi.ge

Additional Info


Heroes’ Square, Tbilisi


(+995) 555 32 22 64